ab 2.V.18 Mittwochszirkel Schmuckgestaltung mit Klara Li

ab 2.V.18 Mittwochszirkel Schmuckgestaltung mit Klara Li


Offener Zirkel mit Klara Li
Accessoires & Schmuck gestalten aus Rohstoffen
vom Wegesrand – vorrangig Blechdosen

ab 2.Mai mittwochs 15 -18Uhr (nicht in den Schulferien)
für kunsthandwerklich interessierte von 6 – 96
auf Spendenbasis z u g u n s t e n   d e s   P l a t z h a u s e s
Nachbarschaftshaus am Neuen Hirschhof
Oderberger Str. 19 Berlin 10435

www.oderberger.org / www.klarali.de

voraussichtlich bis April 2019
mobil info: 015773890019

From Wednesday 2 May 2018 afternoon I invite you to the designing
with sheet metal, textile, paper and beads etc. in open group.
Every Wednesday, except during school holidays, I moderate an open group
15-18h under the star of wholeness; just as I started in 2003 in my home studio in Oderberger Strasse 12 with the workshops for young and old. I teach metalworking techniques as well as skills in textile arts and crafts.
Your / your donations will benefit the prelude work of the neighborhood house.
Also material and tool donations are appreciated !!
small hammer, scissors, mini anvils, pliers, beads, rivets, WASHED(!!) canned & beverage cans… recommended are a working apron and closed shoes.
thanks to re-publish this offer.
Klara Li